Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Occupy North Dakota: They're Hiring

Protesters at Occupy Wall Street may not have a coherent list of demands but they have one central, unifying theme: jobs. More precisely, the lack of jobs.
From unemployed steel workers to recent college graduates, one message bubbles to the surface time and time again.
The American dream is about finding a good job and making a living, and in today’s economy that’s more difficult than it has been in decades.
True, other issues such as healthcare, the ongoing expensive overseas wars, and the financial bailout all loom very large in these protests, as do many other fringe issues.
But the real reason we’re seeing these protests now is the unemployment rate which has hovered around 9% for years now. And while it’s beginning to creep down, ever so slowly, for many Americans this is cold comfort at best.
So it may come as a bit of a surprise to learn that North Dakota has upwards of sixteen thousand job vacancies just waiting to be filled. Read More at Forbes

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