Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Greece's Fringe Parties Surge Amid Bailout Ire

ATHENS—Weeks after agreeing to an agonizing bailout deal with Europe, Greece is splintering politically ahead of national elections, raising the risk that it won't be able to make the economic sacrifices still needed to keep it in the euro.

The election, not yet scheduled but expected in April or May, is shaping up as a public revolt against Greece's political establishment, which has backed the austerity policies that are the price of financial life support from Europe and the International Monetary Fund. Mainstream politicians are increasingly painted as leading Greece into a debt trap, then impoverishing it in trying to escape.

Weeks after agreeing to an agonizing bailout deal with Europe, Greece is splintering politically ahead of national elections. Dow Jones's Costas Paris has the details. Photo: Reuters

As a result, Greece's major parties, which have promised Europe they will enact yet another round of deep public-spending cuts by summer, are struggling for support.

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